Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

"Alien Commies from the Future!" is the third episode of the seventh season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..


A surprise leap forward in time has stranded Enoch in 1931 and landed the team in yet another unfamiliar decade. Now, in order to stop the Chronicoms from launching their newest future-dismantling plan, the agents will have to infiltrate one of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s most secure bases. They won’t be able to succeed without help from a familiar face or two.


Continuity and References to the Marvel Cinematic Universe[]


  • The title refers to what Gerald Sharpe accused the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents of being after he becomes an alien raving lunatic.
  • The German Doctor tells Jemma Simmons a joke about a person named "Heisenberg", which was the street name of Walter White in Breaking Bad.
  • Daisy Johnson refers to Freddy Malick as the "Grand Wizard of HYDRA". "Grand Wizard" is the title held by the head of the Ku Klux Klan.
  • While filming the opening scene at night in the desert, director Nina Lopez-Corrado was dismayed to find the "Groom Lake" sign constructed by the prop department to be too perfect and new looking. She personally took an ax to it on the spot to make it look used and distressed.
  • Guest star Julian Acosta (Dr. Pascal Vega) is married to the director, Nina Lopez-Corrado.
  • The Sibyls were oracles in Ancient Greece, in other words they were able to predict the future.
  • The communicator watch is similar to today's smartwatch, which has all the utility of a smartphone but is more versatile and portable.
  • STEM is short for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics.
  • Interesting facts about Area 51 or the Groom Lake facility:
    • On the far northeastern corner of the Nevada Test Site, where the detonation of Nuclear Test Devices occured.
    • Area 51 is within Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), which consists of the Nellis Range Complex, the Department of Energy's legendary nuclear test site, and other secluded areas. The Range is managed by Nellis Air Force Base
    • Even though Area 51 is within the confines of the range, the remote detached Groom Lake facility is far from but administered by Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California.
    • The Nevada Test and Training Center is run by the US Military. Because it is such a large compound, there are multiple opportunities for different agencies to have command over special projects within the base.
    • Area 51 started off as an Air Force Training Center in the 1950's, and it was the proving ground for some of the most cutting-edge experimental aircraft such as the U-2, A-12 OxCart (predecessor to the SR-71), and F-117 stealth fighter bomber.
    • The reason why aircraft are tested at the Nevada Test and Training Range, is due to its large size and dry lake-bed which can serve as a long runway for take-off and landings. Moreover, its remote desert location is the perfect place for experimental aircraft, air to air combat exercises, and other critical needs the Air Force has, away from civilian population centers.
    • The base is surrounded by unexploded ordnance (UXO) left over from air-to-air and air-to-ground training exercises.
    • Immense area of flat terrain ideal for rockets and low-altitude, high-speed aircraft operations.




Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Episodes

Pilot | 0-8-4 | The Asset | Eye-Spy | Girl in the Flower Dress | FZZT | The Hub | The Well | Repairs | The Bridge | The Magical Place | Seeds | T.R.A.C.K.S. | T.A.H.I.T.I. | Yes Men | End of the Beginning | Turn, Turn, Turn | Providence | The Only Light in the Darkness | Nothing Personal | Ragtag | Beginning of the End

Shadows | Heavy is the Head | Making Friends and Influencing People | Face My Enemy | A Hen in the Wolf House | A Fractured House | The Writing on the Wall | The Things We Bury | ...Ye Who Enter Here | What They Become | Aftershocks | Who You Really Are | One of Us | Love in the Time of HYDRA | One Door Closes | Afterlife | Melinda | The Frenemy of My Enemy | The Dirty Half Dozen | Scars | S.O.S. Part One | S.O.S. Part Two

Laws of Nature | Purpose in the Machine | A Wanted (Inhu)man | Devils You Know | 4,722 Hours | Among Us Hide... | Chaos Theory | Many Heads, One Tale | Closure | Maveth | Bouncing Back | The Inside Man | Parting Shot | Spacetime | Paradise Lost | The Team | The Singularity | Failed Experiments | Emancipation | Absolution | Ascension


Vendetta | John Hancock | Progress | Reunion | Deal Breaker | Justicia


The Ghost | Meet the New Boss | Uprising | Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire | Lockup | The Good Samaritan | Deals With Our Devils | The Laws of Inferno Dynamics | Broken Promises | The Patriot | Wake Up | Hot Potato Soup | BOOM | The Man Behind the Shield | Self Control | What If... | Identity and Change | No Regrets | All the Madame's Men | Farewell, Cruel World! | The Return | World's End


Orientation Part One | Orientation Part Two | A Life Spent | A Life Earned | Rewind | Fun & Games | Together or Not at All | The Last Day | Best Laid Plans | Past Life | All the Comforts of Home | The Real Deal | Principia | The Devil Complex | Rise and Shine | Inside Voices | The Honeymoon | All Roads Lead... | Option Two | The One Who Will Save Us All | The Force of Gravity | The End


Missing Pieces | Window of Opportunity | Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson | Code Yellow | The Other Thing | Inescapable | Toldja | Collision Course Part One | Collision Course Part Two | Leap | From the Ashes | The Sign | New Life


The New Deal | Know Your Onions | Alien Commies from the Future! | Out of the Past | A Trout in the Milk | Adapt or Die | The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D | After, Before | As I Have Always Been | Stolen | Brand New Day | The End is at Hand | What We're Fighting For
