Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

"I am sorry... All I can give you... is my knowledge."
―Anton Vanko[src]

Anton Vanko was a Russian inventor who worked with Howard Stark.


Iron Man 2: Public Identity

Anton Vanko met up with Howard Stark. They discussed the arc reactor technology. Although Anton was worried, Howard was resolute of everything working out perfectly.

Iron Man 2

Anton Vanko and Howard Stark worked on developing the Arc reactor technology together. Vanko was removed from the project and deported to Russia where he raised his son Ivan. He was bitter about it and claimed just before his death that it should be Ivan in Tony Stark's position instead and that Ivan should use what he had been taught.

Character traits

Anton Vanko is a brilliant physician and a great inventor, a man of the same caliber as Howard Stark, but without his moral. Since he was deported because of his illegal affairs with Russians, Vanko has transmitted his grudge against Stark Industries to his son.



Behind the scenes

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  • In the comics Anton Vanko is the name of the first Crimson Dynamo.
