Characters that were created for the movies and TV shows; who do not originate from any of the comics.
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All items (950)
- Aaron
- Abigor
- Abrahams
- Tina Adams
- Ador
- Agent O
- Ahmed
- Amira Ahmed
- Faisal Ahmed
- AJ
- Akela Amador
- Alan
- Albert
- Alejandra
- Alfred
- Algernon
- Allegro
- Allen
- Alpha
- Isabela Alvarez
- Amberleigh
- Amy
- Amy (Earth-10005)
- Analyst 1182-E
- Anderson
- Anitolov
- Ant-tonio Banderas
- Antony
- Anya
- Ariel
- Arthur
- Asad
- Ash
- Astrid Heimdallson
- Yuri Astrov
- Gina Atwater
- L. Atwood
- Augie
- Aziz
- Abu Bakaar
- Baker
- Sunil Bakshi
- Henry Balkan
- Balzaroth
- The Banker
- Luther Banks
- Bao
- Barbour
- The Baroness
- Barr
- Bauer
- Baylin
- Julien Beckers
- Beckman
- Eva Belyakov
- Katya Belyakov
- Benedict
- Berkley
- Jake Berkowitz
- Beta
- Beth
- Bill (Earth-760207)
- Billy (Earth-96283)
- Billy (FDNY)
- Billy (Metro-General)
- Bjorn
- Blair
- Christian Blake
- Felix Blake
- Octavian Bloom
- Phil Blumburtt
- Ralph Bohner
- Bonnie (WWII)
- Ian Boothby
- J. Boothe
- Molly Bowden
- Brandt
- Brick
- Brick (Earth-82111)
- Bridget
- Bristow
- Broccoli Man
- Brookton
- Roger Browning
- Brubaker
- Bruno
- John Bruno
- Buck
- Burleigh
- Burnell
- Busard
- Butler
- Tomas Calderon
- Cale
- Calleros
- Campbell (Military)
- Lincoln Campbell
- Manuel Candelaria
- Cardozo
- Carlino
- Carlo
- Carlos
- Carlos (Ant-Man)
- Carol
- Cartwright
- Carvalho
- Case
- Cass
- Caulder
- Ned Cecil
- Chad
- Chaimson
- Amy Chance
- Ruben Mackenzie
- Chase (Disciples of Ammit)
- Ched
- Chen
- Alice Chen
- Kwan Chen
- Ruihua Chen
- Cheryll
- Todd Chesterfield
- Chris
- Chupa
- Cindy
- Clements
- John Collins
- Commercial Boy
- Commercial Girl
- Commercial Man
- Commercial Woman
- Connie
- Conway
- Cook
- Jefferson Coop
- Walt Cooper
- Zach Cooper
- Sharon Cooperman
- Tyler Corbyn
- Corcoran
- Costel
- Phillip Coulson
- Carl Cowart
- Cramer
- Thelma Crawford
- Crease (Norrington series)
- Cristina
- Adam Cross
- Ray Cumberland
- Curtis
- Cusi
- Frank D'Amico
- Dag
- Eli Damaskinos
- Nyssa Damaskinos
- Evan Daniels
- Dante
- Dark Overlord of the Universe
- Dave
- Dave (Klaue)
- David
- David (Earth-10005)
- David (Slott Towing)
- Davis
- Davis (Earth-96283)
- Chad Davis
- Sharon Davis
- Todd Davis
- Valentina de Santis
- Deacon
- Debbie
- Clark Debussy
- Decker
- Dee
- DeeDee
- Delancey
- Delmar
- Gino DeLucia
- DeMarco
- Sasha Demidov
- Derek
- Sebastian Derik
- T. DeSanto
- Emily Deville
- Dex