Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

"Did you know baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous than adult ones? They haven't learned how to control how much venom they secrete. All of you are dangerous. That's why you're here."
―Cecilia Reyes[src]

Cecilia Reyes is a doctor who helps run a hospital for keeping young enhanced individuals as patients, and a mutant who has the ability to generate force fields.


Original Timeline

X2: X-Men United

Reyes' name appeared on a list of mutants on Col. Stryker's computer when it was accessed by Mystique.

New Timeline

The New Mutants

To be added


Behind the scenes

  • Rosario Dawson was originally cast as Reyes, but left the film for unknown reasons.


  • In the comics, Reyes was a mutant who has the ability to generate force fields.