Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

The Cosmic Entities are a race of primordial entities who have existed since before the beginning of time. The cosmic entities are also the ones who created the Infinity Stones; during the beginning of time.


Guardians of the Galaxy: The Art of the Movie[]

To be added

Guardians of the Galaxy[]

The cosmic entities, Death, Eternity, Entropy and Infinity were responsible for the creation of the Infinity Stones. An engraving of them was carved into the floor and walls of the Morag temple that housed the Power Stone. Later on, the Collector showed the Guardians of the Galaxy the same engraving in a hologram when he explained the creation of the Infinity Stones, which showed the Cosmic Entities forging the stones into concentrated ingots.

Doctor Strange[]

To be added

Avengers: Endgame[]

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"Journey Into Mystery"[]

To be added

Thor: Love and Thunder[]

To be added

Notable Cosmic entities[]


Behind the scenes[]

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  • Based off the cosmic entities from the comics, these beings are considered immensely powerful and many of them embody some concept or fulfill some essential need, but there are others who are considered within this reference frame simply due to their scale of power.
  • In the comics, the Celestials are known as cosmic entities.
  • In the comics, Oblivion is a one of the four cosmic entities. In the films, Oblivion is renamed Entropy.
  • In the image of the cosmic entities, it appears as though Infinity is holding the Chitauri Scepter.

