- "In the end, all roads lead to me."
- ―Death[src]
Death is a cosmic entity and a powerful Green Witch who goes by the name of Rio Vidal on Earth.
The Avengers[]
When Loki is eventually defeated, The Other complains to Thanos that the Earth's inhabitants are not as weak as they were thought to be and that they cannot be ruled, he declares that challenging the heroes of Earth would be to court Death. To this, Thanos simply smiles.
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Art of the Movie[]
Death embodies decay and can possess the soul of a living being. Often taking the form of a woman, Death can manipulate reality, time, and space, and came into existence at the same time as Entropy, Eternity, and Infinity. Immortals are immune to death's ability. Thanos wanted to rule the universe with Death. Trying to impress her, he killed all life in half of the universe with the snap of his fingers.
Guardians of the Galaxy[]
Death is one of the four Cosmic Entities that forged the Infinity Stones, with the others being Eternity, Entropy, and Infinity. Death and the other cosmic entities can be seen on the temple walls on Morag and in a hologram by The Collector.
Thor: Love and Thunder[]
A statue of Death can be seen at the Gates of Eternity, along with other statues of some multiversal deities; One Above All, The Watcher, Living Tribunal, Eon, and Infinity.
Agatha All Along[]
"Seekest Thou the Road"[]
To be added
"If I Can't Reach You / Let My Song Teach You"[]
To be added
"Darkest Hour / Wake Thy Power"[]
To be added
"Death's Hand in Mine"[]
To be added
"Follow Me My Friend / To Glory at the End"[]
To be added
"Maiden Mother Crone"[]
To be added
Character traits[]
To be added
Powers and Abilities[]
- Death Personification: As a cosmic entity, Death is the metaphysical manifestation of Death itself and is afforded immense power due to her role and status in maintaining the universe. She can use her powers to manipulate the biology of living creatures, including herself.
- Earth Magic: As the original Green Witch, death is able to perform Earth Magic, and has shown to be capable to manipulate and command nature at her will. She can manipulate her own magical energy for different purposes, like energy projection, telekinesis, or levitation. This energy manifests in in a green color.
- Telekinesis: Death has the ability to mentally manipulate and levitate matter with the use of her mind.
- Telepathy: Death can send her own thoughts into the mind of another person to communicate with them.
- Flight: Death was able to use her powers to move herself through the air.
- Omniscience/Omnipresence: As the personification of the state of death, Vidal has an omnipotent authority and absolute control over the event and state of death, and is linked to everything related to it. As part of her job, Death knows information pertaining to upcoming deaths.
- Dimensional Travel: Death can appear and go anywhere and everywhere in the multiverse in order to do her job of collecting souls. She is able to manifest where and when she is needed, and can selectively interact with humanity.
- Immortality: Death is ageless and possesses the ability of "live" forever.
- Shapeshifting: She is able to change her true form to a more humanoid one.
- Earth Magic: As the original Green Witch, death is able to perform Earth Magic, and has shown to be capable to manipulate and command nature at her will. She can manipulate her own magical energy for different purposes, like energy projection, telekinesis, or levitation. This energy manifests in in a green color.
- Agatha Harkness - Lover turned enemy; deceased.
- Billy Maximoff - Ally turned enemy.
- Eternity - Enemy.
- Entropy - Enemy.
- Infinity - Enemy.
- Nicholas Scratch - Ally; deceased.
- Jennifer Kale - Ally.
- Lilia Calderu - Ally; deceased.
- Alice Wu-Gulliver - Ally; deceased.
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (3 films)
- The Avengers (Mentioned only)
- Guardians of the Galaxy (Photo only)
- Thor: Love and Thunder (Statue only)
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (1 series)
Behind the scenes[]
- In an interview, Josh Brolin expanded on Thanos' relationship with Death: "His relationship with Death, who is actually the woman, I love that. You can take Sin City (in which Brolin plays a man obsessed with a dark-hearted woman) and pump it full of steroids, and then you have Thanos. I like that he’s motivated by that — not just motivated by destruction or death or this or that. He’s motivated by a very identifiable, human trait."
- In the comics, Death is predominantly depicted as a skeleton cloaked in a black or purple robe, and at times appears as a Caucasian human female. The Mad Titan Thanos is usually depicted as trying to conquer the universe, so that he may gain Death's affection by destroying all life.
- Scott Derrickson teased in a tweet that Death may be appearing in Doctor Strange with a comic issue titled "Doctor Strange Meets...Death!" with his tweet captioned "As will we all.."