Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies
Fantastic Four 2 Movie Collection

Earth-121698 is the universe of the characters appearing in the Tim Story directed Fantastic Four and Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.


Big Bang[]


  • Galactus arrived on the planet Zenn-La and took Norrin Radd as his herald, the Silver Surfer, to spare his world and the woman he loved, Shalla-Bal.
  • Silver Surfer led Galactus to Altair Seven, Rigel Three and Vega Six, all of which were destroyed by the Devourer of Worlds.


Between 2003 and 2005[]


  • Reed Richards and Ben Grimm went to Victor to asked him to fund research into a Cosmic Storm.
  • Reed, Ben, Susan, Johnny Storm and Victor went into space to the Von Doom Industries Space Station to observe the clouds of cosmic energy. The clouds moved much faster than Reed had calculated and each person aboard the space station is affected.
  • After returning to Earth, they were taken to Von Doom Industries Medical Center to recover but each of them begin to manifest powers.
  • The four of them used their abilities to avert an accident on Brooklyn Bridge and became celebrities.
  • Reed designed and built a Cosmic Storm Machine to replicate the storm and reverse its effects so that he could "cure" Ben. After a failed test, Victor, who had also gained powers, used the machine and cured Ben, empowering himself further in the process.
  • Victor targeted each member of the four but was unsuccessful and defeated.
  • Doom was shipped back to Latveria.


  • The Silver Surfer arrived on Earth as a scout to summon Galactus, leaving sinkholes around the Earth.
  • G. Hager recruited Reed to build a device to locate the Silver Surfer.
  • September 18th
    • Reed and Sue are set to get married but the ceremony was interrupted by the Silver Surfer.
    • Johnny pursued the Surfer but, after being touched by the cosmic entity, his cells became unstable; meaning that when he touched others who were affected by the cosmic radiation, their abilities swapped.
  • Doom was awakened by the Surfer's radiation and sought him out in Greenland.
  • Hager recruited Doom to aid in the capture of the Surfer. Reed built some Tachyon pulse generators and the Surfer was separated from his board.
  • Doom stole the board and fled. He was pursued by the Fantastic Four in the Fantasticar to China.
  • Doom killed Sue with a spear intended for the Surfer as Galactus arrived at Earth.
  • Johnny absorbed the powers of all of his teammates and was able to defeat Doom with their combined abilities.
  • The Surfer regained his board and revived Sue before destroying both himself and Galactus.
  • Sue and Reed got married in China. The Fantastic Four left to save Venice which was falling into the Adriatic.
  • The Silver Surfer survived and summoned his board.


Introduced in Fantastic Four[]

Introduced in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer[]


In film chronology:


  • Fantastic Four: The Movie (2005)

Cancelled Movies[]

See Also[]
