Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

Gugnir (Old Norse "swaying one") is Odin's spear. It is based on the weapon of the same name from Norse mythology which played a priminent part in many of the Norse myths and, in turn, the Marvel Comics continuity. It exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and is Asgardian in origin.



Odin uses it against the Frost Giants in the major battle of 970 A.D. to save Earth, and from there on he keeps it as a sceptre. When Thor and some friends invade Jotunheim on their own, Odin comes to save them using the power of Gungnir to temporarly blind the Giants and buying time for Heimdall to bring the group home.

When Odin falls into his Odinsleep, Gungnir falls into the hands of Loki, who proclaims himself the new ruler of Asgard. During the final battle between Loki and Thor, the first wields Gungnir and uses its power to try and defeat his stepbrother, but ultimately fails, and the spear eventually comes back into the hands of his original owner, Odin.

Powers and Abilities

Gungnir allows its wielder to emit powerful energy blasts and blinding light. It also allows the wielder to control the Destroyer and give it whatever orders they want.


  • Marvel Cinematic Universe (1 film)

Behind the scenes

