Main system[]

The Mark XXIV Heavy Combat Suit (or Tank) was created after the battle of New York. Its name Tank comes from it being able withstand heavy damage.
Previous: Iron Man armor (Mark XXIII) Next: Iron Man armor (Mark XXV)
It is similar to the Heartbreaker, only thicker with more armored plating for intense combat due to it's advanced Titanium Alloy. It is able to withstand heavy damage and has a oversized RT chest that fires heavy blast and can create a forcefield. The durability of the suit was later added to the Mark 42 armor.

Iron Man 3[]
The suit was created after the New York battle. Tony realized that there couldn't be one suit that could do anything, so he started building suits specializing in certain areas, like armor. It was placed into the Hall of Armor along with the rest of the Iron Legion. When the "House Party Protocol" was ordered, it and the rest of the Iron Legion flew to assist Tony in the Extremis battle. Thumper sent two soldiers flying into the air and Tank came and blasted them. It was either destroyed by the "Clean Slate Protocol" or the Extremis soldiers.
- This was one of the suits seen in the promotional poster, along with Nightclub, Heartbreaker, Silver Centurion, Gemini, Bones, and the Mark 42.
Iron Man armors | |
Primary Armors | Mark I | Mark II | Mark III | Mark IV | Mark V | Mark VI | Mark VII | Mark XLIII | Mark XLIV | Mark XLV |
Mark XLVI | Mark XLVII | Mark L | Mark LXXXV |
Iron Legion | Mark VIII | Mark IX | Mark X | Mark XI | Mark XII | Mark XIII | Mark XIV | Mark XV | Mark XVI | Mark XVII | Mark XVIII | Mark XIX | Mark XX | Mark XXI | Mark XXII | Mark XXIII | Mark XXIV | Mark XXV | Mark XXVI | Mark XXVII | Mark XXVIII | Mark XXIX | Mark XXX | Mark XXXI | Mark XXXII | Mark XXXIII | Mark XXXIV | Mark XXXV | Mark XXXVI | Mark XXXVII | Mark XXXVIII | Mark XXXIX | Mark XL | Mark XLI | Mark XLII |
War Machine Armors | Mark I | Mark II prototype | Mark II | Iron Patriot | Mark III | Mark IV | Mark V | Mark VI | Mark VII |
Related Armors | Iron Monger | Whiplash (Mark I • Mark II) | Hammer Drones | Rescue |