Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

Karolina Dean is a human-Gibborim hybrid who possesses photogenetic powers and light mimicry. She is also a member of the Runaways.



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Character traits[]

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Powers and Abilities[]


  • Human-Gibborim Hybrid Physiology: Karolina is a very powerful human-gibborim hybrid who possesses photogenesis and light mimicry.
    • Photogenesis: Karolina can generate, create and project bright rainbow-colored light from both of her hands or her entire body.
    • Organic Light Transformation: Karolina is capable of transforming her entire body completely into pure light.
    • Flyrogenesis: Due to Karolina's photogenesis powers; she can generate, create and project force fields. She can generate force fields that are so powerful; that they can withstand Morgan le Fay's dark magic.
      • Cyberkinesis: Due to Karolina's photogenesis powers; she can manipulate technology; she was able to hack into and reprogram the Minoru Mansion's security system; allowing herself, Nico Minoru and Molly Hernandez respectively to get inside the mansion.
    • Flight: When Karolina is in her light form; she is able to fly at high altitudes.


  • Limited Flyrogenesis: Although Karolina's force fields are incredibly powerful, they do have there limits; Karolina's force fields cannot protect her from Morgan le Fay's dark magic for very long.

Former Weaknesses[]

  • Lack of Control: Initially, Karolina could not control her photogenesis and light mimicry powers. However, by the events of Radio On"; Karolina can now activate her powers at will; after she learned how control them with help from her father, Jonah.


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Behind the scenes[]

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