Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

Mutates are a subspecies of mutants.



After being diagnosed with terminal cancer, Wade Wilson was recruited by The Recruiter to take part in an experimental program that would cure him of his cancer and make him superhuman. After agreeing to join the program, Wade learned that it was in fact a covert organisation creating super soldiers and selling them off to the highest bidder. After he was subjected to extreme physical torture, Wade's mutant genes were unlocked and altered his outward appearance grotesquely. He managed to escape captivity and set the workshop ablaze, thus temporarily halting the program's production of mutates.

With enhanced healing abilities, Wade donned a costume and became a mercenary known as "Deadpool". He hunted down associates of Ajax, the man responsible for operating the program that triggered his mutation. Through Agent Smith, Deadpool learned of Ajax's whereabouts and slaughtered many of his associates to get to him. Unfortunately, the intervention of Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead prevented him from killing Ajax.

After recuperating, Ajax and his partner - Angel Dust - kidnapped Deadpool's former lover, Vanessa, in an attempt to lure him out. Enlisting the help of Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Deadpool battled Ajax's forces to rescue Vanessa. The fight ended with Deadpool shooting Ajax in the head after Negasonic Teenage Warhead's powers reduced the aircraft they fought on to rubble. With Ajax's death, the mutate creation program was seemingly disbanded.

Notable Mutates[]

See Also[]
